Friday, February 4, 2011

How to Cope with Tinnitus and its Symptoms

I decided to come up with something with my experience to help the new sufferers cope with Tinnitus. I know how painful period of that when you first learn about this thing, But Dont Worry Tinnitus is not the end of the world. In my case it never was and I had very loud tinnitus. Its just the first month which is really really hard to cope, actualy its not Tinnitus what makes it so difficult to cope with, the supotms which are associated with this thing are what make the life so miserable in the first few weeks, months in some cases. But believe me once you over the shock and get your self involved in something what you love doing you will start to get over it.


Tinnitus will make the sufferer feel like he/she have been defeated in the life but in reality that certainly not the case, there are ways to control the sound, and perhaps decrease it. Otolaryngologists will teach you how to take the sound and alleviate it to an extent. For Example, there are concentration exercises where you can learn to focus on relaxation. By calming your ear muscles down, it can actually decrease the stress, and thus control the constant ringing that you hear and guess what Some sufferers actually claim that it stops the sound all together, while others say it only helps a little. Nevertheless, it is an exercise that should be tried.


There is life After Tinnitus - Accepting it is the Key

Well its 2011 and its more than two years since i first had the Tinnitus bombshel on 19 January 2009. At first I was almost on the verge deep thinking about to finishing my life but being a Muslim I quit that thought and starting to involve in Islam more than ever before and that really helped. After the first month with Tinnutus my life was back to normal and I was getting better every day although Tinnitus sound and the loudness was the same.

Saying prayers 5 times a day, praying to Allah to help me cope with this thing, praying to Allah about gettng able to support my family, believe me it helped alot and my life was starting to get back to normal. I was in hte final semester of my MBA when I had the tinnitues thing but fortunately enough managed to get the degree by passing out the last hurdle and the Project afterwards.

Now its two years passed since I had the tinnitus, I moved on to bigger and better things. Im in London now doing what I love the most and that is covering sports. Getting payed big time and what i want to say is "THERE IS LIFE AFTER TINNITUS